AdMeTech Foundation
Prostate Cancer Equity Program
in Massachusetts
The Mystic Valley Area NAACP is excited to partner with the AdMeTech Foundation to invite our community members and their loved ones to take part in the new Prostate Cancer Equity Program in Massachusetts. Our mission is to make sure that no man feels alone or is left behind.
This program has been launched by AdMeTech Foundation in collaboration with Mass General Brigham.
Supporting organizations include NAACP New England Area Conference, Latino Health Insurance Program, and other community and clinical organizations.
Prostate cancer, striking 1 in 8 American men, is the most common major male cancer. Even though curable when detected early, prostate cancer is the second most common cause of cancer deaths in men. Black (including Hispanic) men are 2.5 times more likely to die.
The goal of the Prostate Cancer Equity Program is to save lives, deliver high-quality care and eliminate health inequalities.
The program staff ensure men’s access to leading experts who use the most advanced options for patient
1. To inform and empower each man to make choices that are right for him​​
​​- Before and after screening, diagnosis and treatment; and
2. To support men and their families during every step of their medical journey
- From expediting initial medical appointments to appropriate follow up (additional testing or
treatment), if needed.
Any man who resides in Massachusetts and is at least 40 years old is welcome to take part. The program’s
priority focus is on Black, Hispanic and Latino men, who are at even higher risk of the disease, delayed
diagnosis, poor quality care, and death.
For more information, please visit here.
If you have any questions, contact us at 617-523-3535 or

AdMeTech Foundation and the MVA NAACP held their annual Prostate Cancer Awareness Virtual Event and the recording is available in case you missed it!