Membership and Outreach
Currently the Mystic Valley Branch has 135 registered members, with just about as many lapsed memberships. Our current membership is very active and involved in many areas of justice, diversity and equity in our six communities of Arlington, Everett, Malden, Medford, Winchester and Woburn. But, there is so much more we could be doing with more members.
This revitalized committee will be working to increase our numbers! First, by contacting our lapsed members to urge them to renew their memberships, at a regular low price of $30 per year. What a bargain! Second, with an outreach campaign to attract new members. This is includes the dissemination of our new flyer (download below) and attendance at town days and Juneteenth celebrations throughout our communities as well as any other events that align with our mission and values. And third, through an aggressive and consistent social media presence on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
We're asking for your help! Please consider joining the Membership and Outreach Committee, perhaps one or two per community. You can talk us up with friends, family and other groups to which you may belong. You can follow our social media pages and share with your friends and followers.
If your membership has lapsed, go to the website and renew. If you are not sure if your membership is lapsed contact Greg Bartlett (Secretary) via email at (subject membership) and he can let you know your membership status.
Other questions and interest to join the committee please contact
Help our branch grow!